Question 1 Report
5.(a) State three differences between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach.
(i) State three similarities between the alimentary canals of earthworm and cockroach.
(b) The diagram below is an illustration of a biological cycle.
Study it and answer questions 5(b)i) to 5(b)(iii)
[i]Name the biological cycle (i) Explain briefly three roles played by plants and animals in the cycle (ii) Name the process that occur in X, Y and Z.
c. complete the table below.
organs associated with excretion in human | three diseases that affect the organ |
(d)i) What is decay of organic matter
(i) Name two groups of organisms that cause decay of organic matter.
(i) State one other factor that causes decay.
(iv) Name the biological cycle that involves decay.
(e) Explain briefly the mode of nutrition in carnivorous plants.