Study specimen D and E and answer questions (a) and (b). (a)i Name the specific habitats of each of specimens D and E. D:......................................

Question 1 Report

   Study specimen D and E and answer questions
    (a) and (b).
    (a)i Name the specific habitats of each of specimens D and E.
   (ii) State five observable structural difference between specimens D and E.
   (iii) What is the behavioral adaptation that specimens D and E exhibit? (b) State two ways by which specimen E is of economic importance.

          Study specimen G and answer questions 2(c) to (e).
     (c) On the table below, name the types of teeth present in specimen G and state one function each of the types of teeth named.


types of teeth one function

(d)(i) Name the mode of feeding of the organism from which specimen G was obtained.

    (ii)(d) Name the mode of feeding of the organism from which specimen G was obtained.
     State three ways by which specimen G adapts its organism to the mode of feeding stated in (d)(i)

  (e) Name two mineral elements which are needed for the proper functioning of specimen G in the body.