The vision which Peter saw directing him to go to the house of Cornelius was to
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The vision which Peter saw directing him to go to the house of Cornelius was to extend the gospel to the Gentiles. In the New Testament of the Bible, the book of Acts records that Peter, who was a Jewish apostle, received a vision from God in which he saw a sheet coming down from heaven with all kinds of animals in it. A voice then instructed him to "kill and eat", but Peter refused, citing Jewish dietary laws. The voice then said "What God has made clean, do not call common". Shortly after, Peter was visited by men sent by Cornelius, a Gentile (non-Jewish) centurion who had also received a vision from God instructing him to send for Peter. Peter went to Cornelius' house and preached the gospel to him and his household, and they all received the Holy Spirit, thus marking the first recorded conversion of Gentiles to Christianity.