The four kings that reigned in Judah during the prophecy of Hosea were
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The four kings that reigned in Judah during the prophecy of Hosea were Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Hosea was a prophet who lived during the 8th century BCE and prophesied mainly to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. However, his prophecies also extended to the Southern Kingdom of Judah, which was ruled by these four kings during his time.
Uzziah was a righteous king who reigned for 52 years, followed by his son Jotham, who was also a good king. Ahaz, however, was an evil king who followed the ways of the nations around him and led Judah into idolatry. Hezekiah, who succeeded Ahaz, was a righteous king who brought about religious reforms and turned Judah back to God.
During their reigns, Hosea prophesied about the sins of both Israel and Judah and warned them of the impending judgment if they did not repent and turn back to God. He also prophesied about the restoration of Israel and Judah in the future and the coming of the Messiah.
Therefore, the four kings that reigned in Judah during the prophecy of Hosea were Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah.