What happened after Jesus had turned water into wine?
Answer Details
After Jesus turned water into wine, the people at the wedding where it happened marvelled at it. This miracle is recorded in the Gospel of John, where it is mentioned that Jesus and his disciples were invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee. During the wedding, the hosts ran out of wine, which was a major social faux pas. Mary, the mother of Jesus, told him about the situation, and he instructed the servants to fill six stone jars with water. Jesus then turned the water into wine, which was of higher quality than what was served earlier. The master of the banquet was surprised by the quality of the wine and commended the groom for saving the best wine for last. The miracle at the wedding of Cana was the first recorded miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John, and it showed his divine power and authority. The disciples were present at the wedding and witnessed the miracle, and as a result, they believed in him. The people who were present at the wedding marvelled at the miracle, and it became widely known, spreading the news of Jesus' power and authority.